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Industry-Academia Efforts Realize the Fusion
“Open Innovation” that yields new products and services, which cannot be brought into reality within the company, by collaborating with external companies, rather than making technology and know-how proprietary. Those efforts are now being actively carried out between companies and educational institutions, not only between companies. This is so called “Industry Academia Collaboration”.
Sumitomo Metal Mining conducted research with Professor Seigou Kawaguchi of the Graduate School of University of Yamagata to utilize the house-developed near infrared absorbing material “CWO™” and succeeded in resin-encapsulating a near-infrared absorbing nanoparticle CWO™. Atsushi Igari, who is involved in the research and development of functional ink materials at Ohkuchi Electronics Co., Ltd., our group company, and Professor Kawaguchi talk about the background and results of the collaboration.
* CWO™ is a near-infrared absorbing nanoparticle invented by Sumitomo Metal Mining and covered by patents and trademarks both domestically and internationally. It is a conductive nanoparticle obtained by adding cesium to tungsten oxide, representing a novel type of thermal absorbing nanoparticle that we independently developed in 2004. The material technology brand utilizing CWO™ is SOLAMENT™.
Succeeded in Encapsulating CWO™ One Year after Encounter
We first met Dr. Kawaguchi in 2018. In order to commercialize our original material “CWO™”, it is necessary to increase resistance to high-temperature alkali. For that purpose, we considered tightly covering CWO™ nanoparticles with resin resistant to high-temperature alkali. However, we had no such technology and investigated domestic research cases. And, we learned that Dr. Kawaguchi’s Laboratory had succeeded in encapsulating zirconia nanoparticles and consulted him.
My research group is conducting research in three main fields on the boundary between polymer synthetic chemistry and physical chemistry.
The first is research that broadens the basics of polymer science, seeking to discover such things as the shape of a synthesized polymer molecule, how that molecule shape is determined, and how to investigate that. The second is research on heterogeneous polymerization. Heterogeneous polymerization has various advantages over homogeneous polymerization and is widely used as a method for obtaining fine particles (latex) in industry. The third is research on the design of optical materials by organic-inorganic hybridizing.
It seems that one laboratory covered a wide range of research fields, but since we had no knowledge of inorganic powder materials, it was refreshing to realize “there is such a field” and expected that it would be interesting research.
Also, when I actually met with representatives of Sumitomo Metal Mining and found that they have extremely high technological capabilities, I felt that if organic technologies are combined with those technologies, the research would produce rich results.
To tell you the truth, I doubted whether it would be possible to enclose CWO™ nanoparticles in resin. I think we did not achieve that with commercially available dispersants I think that the breakthrough was that a laboratory can freely design original polymer dispersants. Did you think it was difficult to proceed with the research with respect to you?
I thought it would be possible to design macromolecules using our latest research and technology, but industrialization needs other ideas. How to make cheaply while being aware of high performance. This requires repeated attempts. It makes research interesting, but difficult at the same.
The capsule was completed one year after we first talked about it. Now, we realize that the technology of the Professor’s laboratory is advanced.
Industry Academia Collaboration Makes It Possible to proceed with comprehensive research and development, including basic research.
We have found that industry-academia collaboration allows the sharing of plenty of information at the research institutes of the university. It is also attractive to share the power of advanced research equipment and excellent students.
You have experienced various industry-academia collaborations other than with our company. What is your view of industry-academia collaboration efforts?
We have conducted research with more than 10 companies, but in most cases, the joint research is completed in a period of two to three years. The stance of firmly controlling basic research is the same in any research, but a company has the intention of connecting research to business, and I feel the rigor of having to achieve solid results in a certain period, which is not found in ordinary basic research.
For example, between companies, in “industry-industry collaboration,” it is possible to match strengths and quickly solve problems, but in many cases, the problem requires a basic research approach. However, in industry-industry collaboration, it is quite difficult to engage in collaboration. In that respect, we believe that industry-academia collaboration is one of the best means of promoting comprehensive research and development, including basic study.
“Industry” contributes to scaling up research that is difficult for “academia” to accomplish alone.
Industry-academia collaboration is also an effective and valuable experience for students. We had monthly meeting with Sumitomo Metal Mining. It was a great experience to put forth ideas and questions for students so that they could acquire social skills. While receiving advice from corporate engineers working toward purposes and goals, getting help when in trouble, and interacting with engineers, we can develop power that cannot be provided by myself at the university. Unlike basic research, the fact that the output is relatively clear should also be attractive for students
Furthermore, especially in regard to CWO™, when scaling up research, we received cooperation, including in financial matters and electrical work for the introduction of equipment, which helped to expedite the research. This could have never been done by the university alone.
In that sense, we think that the role of “industry” is very important. Of course, there were many discoveries that should be referred to in the efforts of the professor and researchers in the laboratories, in the basic research approach and how to create a logical course in solving problems.
Actually, there are many cases where the university is conducting almost all joint research and simply reporting it, which is contract research rather than joint research. In that respect, Sumitomo Metal Mining is proceeding with research with us. That is the wonderfulness of industry-academia collaboration. Measurements that cannot be carried out by Sumitomo Metal Mining and the results are fed back, and the research will be advanced to the next stage. Playing catch went very well.
State of Joint Research It was done online.
New innovations by taking a step with each other
Following the success of this research, we are now seeking to enter new fields using CWO™. The road from here to commercialization requires our self-efforts, and this time it will lead to commercialization by playing catch with end users.
If one of the results leads to various forms of commercialization, it will be good for engineers. I’m looking forward to it.
We will carry out joint research on a different theme with your laboratory from fiscal 2022. Five years have passed since we started joint research, and this is a very rare case.
It is true that many joint research cases end in 3 to 4 years. To continue research, it is good to create a relationship in which the university and company can take further steps. For example, the university proceeds to the stage near commercialization or jointly establishes a CWO™ company. If we move step-by-step with each other, newer innovations may occur.
Thank you for your feedback. We will continue promoting research and development with Professor Kawaguchi by making efforts toward new themes and goals.
Introduction of Kawaguchi Laboratory and Yamagata University
Yonezawa College of Technology, Important Cultural Property on the Campus of the Engineering Department
(Photo from Yamagata University)
Yamagata University has a campus in Yonezawa City in Yamagata Prefecture and provides education rooted in the community
(Photo from Yamagata University)