

X-MINING X-TALK Vol.1 Special Contents X-TALK

Special Contents X-TALK

X-MINING (cross-mining) is a project to expand new possibilities for Sumitomo Metal Mining's Powdered Materials Division.

In September 2020 X-Mining's executive leaders sat down to discuss the project's background, philosophy, and vision. Below is a transcript that has been translated from Japanese and edited for clarity.

Profile & Message

“Sense of crisis” as the trigger for the start

How did you start X-MINING?


I started working at the present job in July 2019, and I was surprised that I couldn’t feel a sense of creating or challenging new things in the Applied Powder Materials BU. The optimistic sense that if we continue to do the same thing as before, we will continue to be safe in the future was spreading in our BU.
As I thought we had to change something, among our Powder Materials lineup, I felt a huge potential with the ink material called SOLAMENT™*.

* Sumitomo Metal Mining’s near-infrared absorbing materials are unique inorganic substances that allow a high level of visible light to pass through while demonstrating a strong ability to absorb near-infrared rays. These are original materials invented by our company. In 2004, we independently developed a new thermal absorbing microparticle called CWO™ which led to the creation of our material technology brand, SOLAMENT™.


Mr. Tofuku was involved in the development of SOLAMENT™. Mr. Tofuku is promoting the product development of ink materials with a unique and aggressive idea, so if the idea is utilized not only for SOLAMENT™ but also for other products, the Powder Materials Division may be reborn.
Then, thinking that new things that could not be done before could be realized, I proposed to Mr. Tofuku to create a new team.


The first time I met with Mr. Saeki was about 10 years ago when I joined a project within the company.” Just like this, he always wears a smile and gives very gentle impression, isn’t he? Just like this, he always wears a smile and gives very gentle impression, isn’t he? “But in fact, he is intent on what he thought “”like this””. In this sense, he is a very stubborn person. (laughs)
His strong point is to challenge innovation, change and risk. However, he prefers flexible and decentralized methods, rather than centralized. That’s why he keeps a flexible and flat posture in any situation. Therefore, I thought “I’d like to partner with this person someday.”


I’m a rather stiff person who is thoroughly following the rules (laughs).”
This time, however, I felt critical that I should not be caught up in stereotypes and customs.As the trend of the times change rapidly, there is no doubt that if we continue to do the same thing for ten years, we will become impoverished.
I think it was the timing when someone had to take action and produce results. Fortunately, I was blessed with my boss and he pushed my back, and the company also empathized and accepted our thought and ideas.

It is no longer an age in which a single company can monopolize profits

What is the idea incorporated in X-MINING’s philosophy of “from Isolated-Creation to Co-Creation”?


The near-infrared absorbing nanoparticles, CWO™, which I mentioned earlier as a component of SOLAMENT™, have the property of cutting only the near infrared light contained in sunlight. Since near-infrared light contributes to heat, CWO™ can be used in window glass, for instance, to prevent an increase in room temperature while maintaining brightness.

This SOLAMENT™ has been developed by our highly individualized researchers who have published numerous papers and won a high reputation worldwide. Sumitomo Metal Mining, which has built up its history as a material company, is proud of the excellent technology worldwide. So to speak, it is a product of “Stand-alone Development”. However, even if researchers produce results that lead to innovation, it often happens that they don’t be commercialized or be sold well. Idea or technology is one thing, and completing it as a product is another skills. In other words, the innovation itself occurs internally, but achievement of “Value Capture” that converts the innovation into market value, depends on external contact. What we want to achieve with X-MINING is exactly about this point.
As the era of mass production and mass consumption is coming to an end, we must build a new businesses that look ahead to the global value chain in order to widely deliver what people want to those who need it. It is no longer an era in which a single company monopolizes value and generates profits. Instead, it is necessary to “co-create” in a large business framework that includes companies, universities, NPOs, governments, and other entities. As we were able to share such ideas with Mr. Saeki, the phrase “Stand-alone Development to Co-creation” was finalized as a concept.
However, since I have a wild personality and I immediately take action, Mr. Saeki has a hard time to get an internal consensus (laughs).


No, no. Because you seem to be very interesting to just listen to my story right now, aren’t you? Besides, if I say it’s hard, our company can’t change forever.
We cannot generate the existence from nothing, but it is possible to make effective use of what already exists. In terms of material, it is important to see the material from various angles. Depending on the viewing angle, what has been useless so far will be beneficial. We want as many people as possible around the world to see our materials from various perspectives, and to work together to create new values and contribute to the world.

What we can do for society as a company handles from resources to materials


Mr.Saeki, I would like to know the driving force behind your ability to work so hard.


I have a strong desire to create something new. I believe that I have a strong desire to realize that what we have created at this company is beneficial to society, that makes you happy, and that makes our colleagues happy.


To be sure, our employees have a strong awareness of contributing to society. In the Materials Business in particular, it is my belief that we have an obligation to change the impact on the environment into a positive one through our business operations.


I believe that all of our employees have such an awareness in their hearts. We would like to realize it further by X-MINING.


Several interesting initiatives have actually begun in X-MINING. I’m afraid I can’t give you a specific name or talk about it in detail on X-MINING because it’s still under consideration or because it’s in progress.


For example, an agricultural initiative that Mr.Tofuku is currently undertaking is one of them, isn’t it?


Yes, it is. SOLAMENT™ on a vinyl of green house transmits a light source called pearlite, which is necessary for photosynthesis, while cutting near-infrared rays. We are continuing demonstration experiments to increase crop yield while avoiding the high temperature inside the green house that will deplete plants and the people working in it become heat stroke.
Overseas, mainstream large-scale corporate farms and other facilities consume a great amount of electricity in order to strictly control air conditioning in green houses. As a result, they emit GHGs (Green House Gas). In this respect, SOLAMENT™ can be used to control the temperature within a green house at low cost and without an environmental burden even in emerging countries, which lack an industrial infrastructure.
This is related to the “Climate Change” target, which is one of the important issues that our group has set out in “Vision for 2030”.

Innovation can only come from fusion


Metal mining world has the word “three in a thousand (“Senmitsu” in Japanese).” It means three intercepts of ore veins in 1,000 drillings. But I think X-MINING is the same. Aside from whether or not these efforts will be fruitful, I feel that it is first important to get hints from many people and work together to find a theme.


Yes. I feel that we have not yet informed the world of the materials and technologies we have. So, by making those things open through X-MININGI, I would like to see more and more voices and ideas that we have never imagined. Perhaps it may lead to the resolution of very major social issues, and it would be good if X-MINING were to create value that could not be created by our ideas alone.


I agree with you. I firmly believe that innovation comes from integration, so as a researcher who has been involved in research since joining the company, I would love to create an amazing convergence with other companies and organizations that will have an impact on society.

Finally, please send a message to those who can be partners in the future.


In one word, “Why don’t you work with a mining company?” No matter the type of industry, no matter how large. No matter the nationality. It may not need to become a business immediately. What do you think the future will be created if your company collaborates with a mining company having a historiy as a company responsible for raw material sources in Japan? Won’t you be excited? I really want to tell you that.


I have exactly the same thoughts. In addition, I hope to eventually make this website like a platform that connects various people and companies through materials. To this end, I would like to cooperate with Mr.Tofuku and other colleagues of the project to pick up seeds of small ideas carefully first.

*Interview completed September 2020
*Infection prevention measures were taken, such as temperature measurement before the interview and social distancing during the interview. Masks were only removed for the photo.




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