

Magnetic field analysis simulation

Aiming to reduce development time and costs through analysis by magnetic field analysis software, we support orientation design using data of magnetic field analysis simulation.

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How to Use Wellmax-SmFeN (Samarium Iron Nitrogen) Anisotropic Injection Molded Magnetic Materials

Anisotropic rare earth injection molded bond magnets require alignment (orientation) of the magnet powder during molding. When properly oriented, the original properties of the material can be fully utilized.

  • Example of orientation vector diagram of inner pole anisotropically oriented magnet

    External magnetic field required during injection molding

    During injection molding, the material is filled into the mold in a molten state of Polyamide resin and then cooled and solidified in mold. SmFeN magnet powder is aligned by an external magnetic field based on orientation design during this several to several tens of seconds process and is fixed by solidification of Polyamide resin. It requires a stronger magnetic field than the anisotropic ferrite injection molded magnet which traditionally used.

    Glossary:Isotropic magnet and anisotropic magnet

  • Example of analytical mesh of magnet and inner yoke of outer pole anisotropically oriented magnet

    External magnetic field design greatly affects magnet performance

    The orientation magnetic field design is important not only in strength but also in its direction. This design needs to consider not only the configuration of the mold but also the presence or absence of magnetic materials inserted during injection molding, such as yokes and shafts.
    Trough these properly designing this in advance, you expect to reduce time and cost due to actual TRY & Error.

  • Significantly different magnetic flux waveforms with the same shape and material

    For anisotropic sintered magnets, magnet manufacturers design for orientation and measure standard values, and magnet users design applications based on these characteristics. On the other hand, for anisotropic bond magnets, it may not have the same characteristics as the standard values depending on the orientation and the shape of the magnet to be created. With the ingenuity of orientation design and shape design, you can create applications with high originality.

    Example of vector diagram of magnet section and yoke of inner 8-pole pole anisotropically oriented magnet.Example of surface magnetic flux density waveforms of this magnet.(The magnet shape and number of poles are the same in Case-1 and Case-2. In case of both the orientation configurations are different.)
    Example of vector diagram of magnet section and yoke of inner 8-pole pole anisotropically oriented magnet.Example of surface magnetic flux density waveforms of this magnet.(The magnet shape and number of poles are the same in Case-1 and Case-2. In case of both the orientation configurations are different.)

    The website for the magnetic field analysis software ‘JMAG’ used in this simulation is here.

    Case Studies for Each Orientation Design Pattern

    On this website, we present case studies for three different orientation design patterns.
    By exploring these examples, you can gain a better understanding of what can be achieved through simulations and how they can benefit you. Please take a look.

    Case Study1: Polar anisotropic SmFeN magnets simulation with 8 poles outer circumference

    Case Study2: Anisotropic SmFeN sensor magnets simulation with 2 poles outer circumference

    Case Study3: Polar anisotropic SmFeN magnets simulation with 20 poles outer circumference

To make effective use of WellmaxSmFeN magnet materials

SMM has technical knowledge based on over 20 years of experience with anisotropic rare earth injection molded bond magnets. We support our customers with orientation design using magnetic field analysis to make wide use of Wellmax materials.

Flow of inquiries and support for magnetic field analysis simulation *It may vary depending on the customer's specifications.
Flow of inquiries and support for magnetic field analysis simulation *It may vary depending on the customer's specifications.

SMM's support for orientation design by using magnetic field analysis simulation

We support our customer's product development by using magnetic field analysis software, aiming to shorten development time and reduce cost.

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