


X-MINING Bonded Magnets

The Bonded Magnets are a composite magnet that retains its shape by fixing the magnet powder with a binder.
1) Plastic bonded magnets with the plastic resin for binder.
2) Rubber bonded magnets with the rubber resin.
3) Metal bonded magnets with the metals such as zinc for binder.

Compared to sintered magnets, bonded magnets have a lower magnetic force because it contains a binder that does not have a magnetic force. However, the bonded magnets is more widely used because of the following advantages;
/It has freedom of shape, such as ring shape, thin sheets, and complex shapes with irregularities;
/It doesn’t occur the large shrinkage during sintering and surface roughness;
/It can make the high dimensional accuracy can be achieved without post processing;
/It is hard to occur the cracks and chippings;
/And it has flexibility coming from the binder.

Based on higher performance, higher capacity, smaller size, and lighter weight, rare-earth bonded magnets have grown greatly since around 1990 for use in hard disk motors (called spindle motors) in conjunction with the popularization of PCs. And then, rare-earth bonded magnet is currently growing gradually for various applications; speed meter, air conditioner, and color copy machine etc.

Last edit date:20230725

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