As a leading company that provides materials, mainly non-ferrous metals, Sumitomo Metal Mining has extensive knowledge and experience in handling diverse materials. We offer a variety of materials and products to meet the customers applications' needs through our extensive knowledge and experience. Pasting is one of the material treatments seeking a easy handling for customers. Here is an overview of the "handling" of the paste.
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Improvement of handling through pasting
In order to use a “substance” with a certain function to be used in a situation, there must be a way to “hold” it there.
One of them is a powder material.
By making metal into a powder, it is possible to handle it with various shapes, but scattering of powder is problem. On the other hand, pasting enables organic materials to hold the powder and prevent it from scattering.
Paste that can change the shape moderately and be stuck by printing is an effective means of improving handling.
“Pasting” is an effective way to improve materials handling, as it deforms appropriately and be stuck by printing.
In many cases, a paste state is created by mixing inorganic and organic functional materials.
We have handled many functional materials over the years and the combination is numerous.
Sumitomo Metal Mining has expertise in selecting the optimal composition from among the numerous combinations and meeting the demands of the customers.
Four points in paste characteristics
So-called “thick state”. The viscosity is designed to be neither too hard nor too soft, with little change over time.
There is no point in applying the paste if it comes off the materials. Choose the asset to match with your materials.
The solvent is dried and volatilized after printing, but it is designed to prevent cracks in the film even after volatilization.
Safety comes first
With these points of view, we provide pastes that can be handled according to the customer’s application.
Even if powder is difficult to handle, it can be printed (applied) by paste.
We welcome your inquiries about paste handling, thick film pastes, our product line-up and so on.
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Thick Film